Digital Transformation for NGOs to Extend Outreach and Expand the Impact

Written by Tequma, via Linkedin

Salesforce and the Power of Us program can assist NGOs in achieving their missions with the digital transformation journey.

 In the age of digitalization, digital transformation is a key ingredient of the success recipe for entities in various sectors. Non-government and non-profit organizations (NGOs) are no exceptions. The optimal use of digital tools has proven to improve the impact, revenue, and reach of NGOs across the globe, making them better organizations that can provide better services in their field.

Digital transformation for NGOs: What and why

Digital transformation is the process of integrating digital technology within entities, including NGOs, to maximize efficiency in their daily operation, increase productivity, and achieve their objectives. The improvement can be integrated into all departments within the scope of NGO work, from communication to human resources to fundraising and financial management.

One of the major benefits of digital transformation for NGOs is the boost in productivity. By utilizing technology, such as Software as a Service (Saas) tools, the organization can enhance the productivity of its human resources. More work can be done in less time and workers can focus more on more substantial tasks than repetitive ones that can be automated.

Furthermore, digital communication channels play important roles in creating effective interaction with internal and external partners and stimulating seamless collaboration. File sharing and progress tracking are effortlessly done, and team members can connect easily regardless the geographical location. Digital campaigns would reach a higher audience, which will increase awareness of the issues and can lead to a boost in funding.

The integration of digital transformation can also be financially beneficial for NGO operations. The usage of technologies such as automation can reduce the number of human resources needed by the organization. It can improve budget efficiency, and the organization can allocate a higher percentage of funding to create a bigger impact instead of investing unnecessary amounts for manual labor.

Solving NGO's challenges with digital transformation

According to research made by the European Fundraising Association and Salesforce, the most challenging issues faced by NGOs are the ability to raise sufficient funds and the capability to reach and engage supporters. Digital transformation provides answers for both challenges, and the majority of organizations are aware of it.

Fundraising is the backbone of the NGOs operation. Over 60 percent of the NGOs that participated in the survey noted that raising enough donations is their major concern in their operation. The same proportion of respondents is eager to drive up their use of digital channels for fundraising and diversifying their strategy to increase funding.

Meanwhile, the organization's visibility is substantial in driving donations. Therefore, it is also important to have an online presence and maintain stable engagement with donors, which are attainable on digital platforms.

Following our posts on LinkedIn about Salesforce Non-Profit Success Pack (NPSP), you already have Salesforce system for your NGO for free and you have recently created a few Contacts and Accounts. If you are not there yet, read our previous posts (links on the bottom of this post).

In Salesforce NPSP, NGO/Non-Profit organizations can collect all information about received (or promised) funds, e.g. donations, grants, gifts or memberships using the object Opportunity.

Yes, it is an opportunity for you and for your organization to get additional funding for your charity objective.

You may have many opportunities in your fundraising pipeline or funnel. Some of them are already paid and some of them are only promised / pledged.

Go to your Salesforce system ("Org") and create your first opportunity for a donation. You will be asked by the system to provide information about the donor (private individual or institutional), an amount, a stage (indicating if the donation is pledged or already paid), and a close date (when the donation will be finally done).

Having information about all pledged and received donation in one system gives you a great possibility to plan expenses and a cash-flow of your organization. 


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